All Physical Therapy Training for You

physical therapy

Chiropractic does not have the same field of competence as osteopathy. Unlike the osteopath, the chiropractor is a specialist in the neuro-musculoskeletal system, the spine and the musculoskeletal system. It takes care of the mechanical pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and mainly of the spine.  Go for the physical therapy there.

Regulatory Differences

Chiropractic and osteopathy do not have the same legal field. The decree of acts allows greater autonomy to chiropractors. Indeed chiropractors are authorized to carry out all types of mobilizations and manipulations with force vectors, instrumental or mechanically assisted, thus allowing full treatment.

They are the only practitioners, non-doctors, to have the right to perform cervical manipulations, with force vectors, without a medical certificate of any contraindication. This certificate, which must be issued by a doctor, is legally essential for other practitioners to perform this type of manipulation.

The recommended therapeutic approach is conservative and is based solely on manual therapies. The various interventions that can be performed include vertebral manipulation active and passive joint mobilization, myofascial therapy, exercise prescription and advice on your lifestyle.

A chiropractor is available and attentive to your needs. The treatments are administered with respect for your body, adapted to your limits and according to how you feel. This is a personalized approach specific to your condition in order to help you access the well-being that comes with a healthy life every day.

First consultation

The first appointment lasts approximately one hour and includes the initial examination followed by treatment. The initial examination allows you to gather as much information as possible about the condition that afflicts you and your general health. It is at this point that we discuss together with your reason for consultation, that we analyze your posture and that we carry out a physical examination. This information is essential because it will allow us to make a chiropractic diagnosis and guide us as to the care that will be provided to you. We base our therapeutic strategy on this data in order to offer you the treatment that will be most suitable and beneficial for you. If necessary, depending on the clinical presentation, a radiological examination may be required.

physical therapy

Subsequent appointments

Each appointment begins with a brief return on the condition treated and its evolution since the last treatments. Each treatment lasts 30 minutes, the time necessary to intervene on all the systems neurological, muscular, articular, vertebral, visceral, etc. that require care. As this is a comprehensive approach, particular attention is paid to the interrelationships and the repercussions that these systems have on each other. This period of time therefore allows us to conscientiously visit all of these variables.

If necessary, targeted and personalized exercises like stretching, muscle strengthening, etc. are taught to you. Their execution takes an active part in your recovery and will make sure to consolidate your recovery by preventing possible relapses. To maximize the therapeutic benefits of the treatments, your collaboration is essential.

The frequency of treatments varies according to the progress obtained. In no case is the patient bound by any contract whatsoever or by an obligation obliging him to adhere to a treatment plan. At the end of each session, the date of the next treatment is recommended to you and this is set in concert with you, taking into account the progress achieved and your objectives.